Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams is Dead. Who is going to pick up the crown?

In case you've been under a boulder at the bottom of the sea, Robin Williams is dead.  There are enough perfectly good (and maybe even valid) discussions on mental illness and depression, so I have no comment there.  I will let the better prepared and more knowledgeable on the subject wax on end.
The question I have is "who is next?"  I don't mean who will donk themselves off after bearing what feels like the weight of several worlds crushing any sense of esteem they may carry, but, instead, who will pick up the torch, dawn the crown, and become the next truly beloved comedian who is willing to make an absolute fool of themselves while link to the hearts and minds of us and our children?

I have no idea, myself.  I don't see any of his caliber, nor any with his power or presence who don't seem like they cranked out right before hitting the stage.  I have an idea that just blinked on, as I write this, but I am a little sickened by the idea.

Could Jimmy Fallon grow into the kind of man who could be as beloved?  He has the skills but he doesn't have the warmth or that endearing quality Williams carried like a goofy favorite uncle.  Could he grow into that kind of man? 

Let me know what you think.

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