Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Time to change.

I found out recently that I am approximately 230 lbs. overweight, according to my BMI.  I’m honestly surprised I’m not dead.

You don’t really notice it as it gets worse, just some things get harder to do.  You think “I’m just getting a little older.”  Then you decide “what the heck.  I haven’t stepped onto a scale in a few months.  Let’s see where we are with this whole ‘being a pudgy guy, sopping up the joys of life.’”  Then you notice that you can’t weigh yourself on the office gym’s doctor’s scale because the scale doesn’t go that high.  Then you find a digital scale that can be used to weigh medium-sized livestock...  Then you get scared for your life.

You're a dead man waddling.
What’s worse is that you don’t realize what you are seeing in the mirror until someone puts a number in to add perspective.  What you thought you saw in the mirror every morning, from the chest up, suddenly tastes like a lie you were telling yourself.  And it was.